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Ceny hurtowe
Jabłka Early Geneva 2023-08-04 kg Kup dostęp 0.0%
Ceny w punktach skupu
Jabłko Early Geneva 2018-07-20 Kup dostęp 0.0%
2023-04-12 00:00:00
When and how to sow parsley? Plant this vegetable next door and the conditions will be perfect
April is a very good time to sow some vegetable species directly into the ground. Root parsley can be sown as early as March until the end of April. April is a good time to start sowing parsley
2023-04-02 00:00:00
Best time to plant spring onions. What can you do to make sure the crop is big?
The ideal time for planting onion sets is approaching, which is crucial for obtaining early bunching onions or onions for summer harvest. Usually, the planting period begins in early April;
2021-01-26 12:28:00
What are the prices of parsley in Poland?
The high prices in the parsley market two years ago will not be repeated soon. That season was unique in decades. Now parsley is much cheaper, but this does not mean that wholesale prices are
2015-03-13 13:00:00
Polish experts expect more early vegetables at lower prices
"At Easter, all national early vegetables should already be available," points out Skoczewska. "You can already purchase domestic radish, which at this time last year was not available yet."Prices
2014-05-14 11:08:05
Early parsley already on the market
Last season early parsley was available on the Polish market only in third decade of June and prices were at the level of PLN 2.00 - 3.50 / bunch. Currently early parsley cost PLN 1.80 - 2.50 /
2009-09-06 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (31.08-06.09.2009)
At the beginning of September downward trend in prices of apples which one could already observe at the end of August, was even stronger. Prices of eating apples are dropping due to lower export
2009-06-14 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (08-14.06.2009)
In the second week of June the weather was still unfavourable for growth of fruit and vegetables. Rains and relatively low temperatures adversely affected the supply and prices first of all
2009-05-15 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (11-17.05.2009)
In the second week of May the prices of export apples was slightly changed. Average price of red varieties 70 + (including cartons) was on the level 1.70 PLN/kg; the price of Idared was a little
2009-04-26 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (20-26.04.2009)
Last week the upward trend in prices of apples was continued. The price of Idared 70 +, in cartons was to 1.50 PLN (0.33 euro)/kg. The price of other red varieties 70 + was about 1.35 PLN (0.30
2009-04-18 00:00:00
Weekly summary – fresh-market.pl price analysis (14-19.04.2009)
The week after Easter started with low movement on the fruit and vegetable markets. Turnover was low and prices were stable. However at the end of the week the movement was bigger and the
2008-05-05 00:00:00
Early vegetables
In May wholesale volumes of Polish early vegetables are expected. Chinese cabbage is already sold at prices 1.70 - 2.00 PLN/kg. First lots of early headed cabbage will be available after 8th May.